Age of Jura - Release Notes - 1.2.0

1.2.0 - June 29th, 2023

Build ID: 11553145

  • Added 30 achievements to the game (
  • Add Steam Integration - all achievements are also added to Steam (saved for the current loggedin user)
  • Opening the achievements from the main menu will sync everything once to Steam (for existing profiles that already have finished levels, or when the Steam client was not available)
  • Villagers now have an option to enable/disable the 'autoloot' (disable if you want your villagers to stay put)
  • Add a 'Start' text to each world on the main menu for more clarity
  • Reduce leather craft time (from 12s to 11s)
  • Reduce watchtower Iron Bar costs - after 3 watchtowers it will cost an increasing 10 Iron Bars per additional tower (instead of 15)
  • Reduce watchtower Leather costs - after 5 watchtowers it will cost an increasing 2 leather per additional tower (instead of 5)

All release notes